Dean's Partnership Council

The AFLS Dean's Partnership Council fall 2018 meeting. The group is sitting around a table while the Dean gives a presentation.

What is the Dean's Partnership Council (DPC)?

The Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences Dean's Partnership Council (formerly the Dean's Executive Advisory Board) is an advisory group created as part of a mission to engage Bumpers College students in high-impact learning activities to better equip them to enrich their lives and excel in careers advancing food, family and the environment.

What does the DPC do?

The Bumpers College DPC has a three-part purpose:

  1. Sounding-Board: Serve as a sounding-board regarding current initiatives and efforts to serve the needs of Bumpers College students, alumni and friends; and provide recommendations for enhancing programs and value-added opportunities for our students.
  2. Advocate:  Be an advocate on behalf of Bumpers College regarding programs, current efforts and initiatives, particularly where advocacy promotes reputation, student recruiting and facilitation of extramural partnerships and/or funding opportunities.
  3. Networking:  Provide networking opportunities for the College, introducing leadership to prospective partners in addressing workforce development needs of the community, region, state and the world.

2024-2025 Dean's Partnership Council Members

Bumpers College Dean appoints board members who provide keen insight and guidance for the College.