What can you do with a Bumpers degree?
If you're interested in a meaningful career working toward advancements in food, family, and the environment, then Bumpers College is the place for you. We offer 14 majors and 24 minors to customize a degree path that leads to an innovative career in science, business, agriculture, community development and more.
A recent USDA study reports by 2020 the number of positions in agriculture and life sciences will vastly outnumber graduates in these fields, and these career opportunities are largely STEM-based (see graph). See our list of majors or contact us to determine where you can go with a degree from Bumpers College.
Town Hall Meeting Schedule:
Bumpers College is sending representatives to connect and engage with communities throughout the state this summer and you're invited! We'll be hosting town hall meetings to discuss strategic direction, vision, recruitment, alumni engagement and more. Parents, students, high school teachers, guidance counselors, administrators, 4-H agents, employers and local government officials are encouraged to attend. Meals are provided. RSVP for a town hall near you: