Bumpers Connection- News from Around Bumpers College


Word from The Waldrip Student Center

Welcome to campus! There are are a lot of great events and opportunities coming up in Bumpers College. This page will help you keep track of them. 

If you have any questions or problems with your schedule, please contact the student services team in the Waldrip Student Center (AGRI 205) by email aflsdean@uark.edu or call 479-575-2252. 


Important Dates

  • March 24-28: Spring Break (No Classes/Campus offices open M-Th)
  • April 2: Health & Helping Professions Career Fair | UARK Ballroom 2-4 p.m.

What's Happening Around Bumpers College

Jobs and Internships Button

Scholarships button

Clubs and RSOs Button

International Programs Button

Bumpers Honors Program

  • The Bumpers Honors Student Board is seeking applicants for the 2025-2026 academic year for two positions: Secretary and the Director of Communications and Outreach. Interested students can visit our BHSB webpage https://bumpershonors.uark.edu/engage/student-board.php to learn more and apply. Applications will close at the end of March.
Got Questions? Email us!

Bumpers Honors Program: aflshnrs@uark.edu,

Associate Dean Dr. Lona Robertson: ljrobert@uark.edu

Coordinator for Honors Programs Dr. Isabel Whitehead-Adams: iwhitehe@uark.edu

Get Involved

Enclothe Ethereal. A university of arkansas student run fashion show at the Fayetteville Public Library. Hosted on April 25, 2025. For more information visit @uarkenclothe

The National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) is now accepting applications for its National Dairy Leadership Scholarship Program.      The online application form and additional information can be found online at https://www.nmpf.org/programs/scholarship/. An informational flyer that may be displayed on a bulletin board is attached.  Please forward this information to qualified graduate students in your department and encourage them to apply.      The NMPF National Dairy Leadership Scholarship Program supports graduate students actively pursuing dairy-related fields of research that will directly benefit milk marketing cooperatives and the U.S. dairy industry at large. This year, NMPF expects to award scholarships totaling $18,000; the exact number of awards and award amounts are determined by the NMPF Board of Directors. In past years, the average individual scholarship award has ranged from $4,000 to $6,000.      Students from a variety of academic disciplines serving the dairy industry are encouraged to apply, including, but not limited to:  Agriculture Communications Economics Animal Health Environmental Science Animal and/or Human Nutrition Food Science Bovine Genetics Food Safety Dairy Products Processing Herd Management Dairy Science Marketing and Price Analysis    Completed applications must be received by NMPF no later than April 23, 2025.      The NMPF Board of Directors will select the winning applicants in June 2025.  The winners will be notified soon thereafter. For more information, please visit the NMPF website or contact NMPF at (703) 243-6111 or scholarship@nmpf.org.

Furst Thursday


2025-2026 Gordon Brown Scholarship. A $1,000 scholarhsip will be awarded to one college student - sophmore or higher - from Lonoke County. Students must be enrolled in the College of Agriculture at the University of Arkansas or Arkansas State University. The application is due to the Lonoke County Farm Bureau office by June 13, 2025. For more information please email Barbara Chivers at barbara.chivers@afbic.com or call 501-676-3111

Apparel Merchandising and Product Development Global Experinces Minor. Study 12 weeks at the University of Arkansas Rome Center summer 2025. May intercession (May 12 - 23) 2 week course. Summer 1 (may 27 - june 27) Trend forecasting fashion styling. Summer 2 (june 30 - August 1) Global apparel sustainability. The program fee includes housing, welcome dinner, activities (regional tours). This does not include tuition, study abroad fees, CISI insurance, meals and airfare. For more information contact Dr. Laurie Apple at lapple@uark.edu

Crop Genetics and Genomics REEU. Research and extension experince for undergraduates. From May 27th to July 25th. Opportunitues to conduct research, participate in feild trips, foster professional development and gain knowledge about scientific careers. Click the image for more information and application details!

SMASH 2025 - Students Mastering the Art of Southern Hospitality. SMASH will be hosted at the Don Tyson Center for Agricultural Science on April 12 from 6-9 p.m. Click image to learn more about the event.

Dodgeball Tournament hosted by the Poultry Science Club. Teams and individuals welcome from all majors. Tuesday April 22. Click image to learn more about the event, and email any questions to mebonner@uark.edu

Lawnmower tune-up: Sponsored by the University of Arkansas FFA Alumni and Agricultural Systems and Technology Club. Drop off equipment at the UA Abernathy Lab 1194 W. Cassat Street, Fayetteville between 7 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. on Friday April 11th. Click image to access the required advanced registration.

UAConnect is being replaced by Workday this spring. This is where students will accept financial aid, complete onboarding, and register for their fall 2025 classes. Current students can apply to help at registration tables where they'll answer questions and help with enrollment. Additionally students will be selected to help at front desks. The postion pays $12 an hour up to 20 hours a week. Tabling occurs daily from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., but you don't have to work every session. Training and tabling runs March 3rd to May 2nd



Agriculture Building on Campus

Visit The Waldrip Student Center

(479) 575-2252
AGRI 205

Want your flyer published in the Newsletter?

Please  email it to us at aflscomm@uark.edu 
We'd be happy to include your information!

Bumpers News